Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 115

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Chapter 4

Organize and sort photos


Show the keyword controls in the control bar


Choose Window > Show Keyword Controls (or press Shift-D).

Keyword Preset Group

pop-up menu

Add Keyword field

Keyword buttons showing

individual keywords assigned

to Option-1 through Option-8

The following keyword controls appear:

Keyword buttons: These buttons display the preset keywords in the selected keyword preset
group. The first eight keywords are assigned to the keyboard shortcut key combination of
Option and a number key (1 through 8) on the keyboard. Press Option and a number key on
the keyboard (not the numeric keypad) to add the preset keyword to a selected photo, or click
a keyword button. The control bar can hold up to 20 keyword buttons. To remove a keyword
applied by clicking a button, press Option-Shift and the button’s corresponding number key.
To remove all keywords, press Option-Shift-9.

Add Keyword field: Type a new keyword in this field and press Return to add it to a selected
photo. If the keyword has been used before, Aperture automatically completes the word as
you type it. If the Keywords HUD is locked, you are asked whether you want to unlock the
Keywords HUD and add the keyword to the keyword library, or not add the keyword to the
photo. To remove a keyword you’ve just applied, type the keyword again and press Shift-
Return. Keywords removed using the keyword field are not removed from the Keywords HUD.

Keyword Preset Group pop-up menu: Use this pop-up menu to choose the keyword preset
group you want displayed. You can also use the Comma (,) key and Period (.) key to quickly
cycle forward and backward through the keyword preset groups. The first eight keywords in
the group are assigned to the keyboard shortcut key combination of Option and a number
key from 1 through 8.

Choose a keyword preset group


Select a photo or group of photos in the Browser.


In the control bar, choose a keyword preset group from the Keyword Preset Group pop-up menu.

Choose the keyword

preset group you want

to use.

The keyword buttons in the control bar update according to the keyword preset group
you chose.

The Keyword Preset

Group pop-up menu

displays your choice.

The keyword buttons now

appear with keywords from

the group you chose.

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