Apply keywords using the keywords hud – Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

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Chapter 4

Organize and sort photos


Apply keywords using the Keywords HUD

The Keywords HUD provides an efficient way to apply keywords to photos. You simply drag
keywords to any photo or selection of photos in the Viewer or Browser.

Keyword group

Keyword list

The Keywords HUD contains a predefined library of keywords that you can browse and search.
You can also add new keywords, remove keywords, and create keyword groups. For example,
if you added the keyword Fish to your list, you might want to add Angelfish, Dolphin, Tuna, and
Shark under the Fish keyword to further define your photos.

The Keywords HUD is automatically updated with any keywords you add. For example, when
you enter a new keyword in the Info inspector, that keyword also appears in the Keywords HUD.
When you change a keyword—by changing its spelling or capitalization, for example—the
keyword is updated on all photos that have that keyword assigned.

When entering a large group of keywords in the Keywords HUD, it’s not uncommon to make
spelling mistakes. It’s easy to modify existing keywords to fix the mistakes.

Assign keywords using the Keywords HUD


To show the Keywords HUD, do one of the following:

Choose Window > Show Keywords HUD (or press Shift-H).

Click the Keywords button in the toolbar.

The Keywords HUD appears.


Do one of the following:

To browse for a keyword: Scroll up and down to review the keywords, and click the disclosure
triangles to reveal the keywords in each keyword group.

Click the disclosure triangle

next to a keyword group to

display all the keywords in it.

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