Yaskawa SGDB User Manual

Page 583

background image



installation, 27

instrument connection examples, 531
internal connection diagram, 531

maintenance, 501
meaning, 4

overload characteristics, 288
position control

autotuning, 546

manual adjustment, 547

ratings, 285
selection, 233

according to the motor, 234

specifications, 285

autotuning, 542

manual adjustment, 543

test run, 44


alarm output, 127

alarm reset, 180
control systems, meaning, 4

gain adjustment, 114, 117
meaning, 3

SGMGH Servomotors, gear lubrication, 245, 255
shaft opening, 25
smoothing function, 114

position reference acceleration/deceleration time constant, 114

soft start function, 86, 113

100-VAC SGM Servomotors, 265, 267
1CN connector, 481

200-VAC SGM Servomotors, 237
brake power supply, 466
cables, 442

encoders, 469

connector kits, 447

home position pulse, 159
incremental pulse, 159
noise filter, 486

peripheral devices, 442
regenerative resistor unit, 490

serial data, 158
Servopack/Servomotor combination, 282

SGDM Servopacks, 285

speed bias, 120
speed coincidence output signal, 134
speed control, 65

analog reference, 66

contact reference, 66
position/torque control, 66

zero-clamp, 66

speed reference offset, manual adjustment mode, 210
speed references, 64

gain, 67
inputs, 64

starting time, 289

status display mode, 182
stop mode, setting, 105
stop torque, 58
stopping time, 289
surge suppressor, 490


tension control, 88

standard-type motor without brake, 171, 173

standard-type motor with brake, 172, 174

test run, 40

minimum user constants, 49

motor alone, 42

motor connected to the machine, 46

position control from the host controller, 48

servomotor with brake, 47

thrust load, 26
torque control, 59, 87
torque feed-forward function, 94
torque limit

input signals, 63

output signal, 60

value, 96

torque reference filter time constant, 115
torque restriction function, 61

by analog voltage reference, 95

torque limit value, 61


alarm display, 503

without alarm display, 529


user constant setting mode, 186
user constants, 55, 56, 63

bias, 120

brake signal output timing during motor operation, 112

brake signal speed level output during motor operation, 112

contact input speed control function, 63

control mode selection, 63, 65, 83

dividing ratio setting, 76, 159

dividing ratio settings, 74

electronic gear ratio, 81

emergency stop torque, 58

encoder power voltage adjustment, 104

encoder type selection, 76, 102, 154

error counter clear signal selection, 73

feed-forward gain, 119

forward external torque limit, 61

forward rotation torque limit, 59

jog speed, 101

list, 562