Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Site Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 431

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For overlay displays, if you want the display always at the back, you can select the check
box, Keep at Back. However, it is recommended that you use the On Top display type to
control the layering of displays.

Overlay displays always appear behind On Top displays, and are replaced by Replace
displays. Use the Overlay type with care; keeping multiple displays open at run time can
affect system performance.

On Top

graphic displays will stay on top at all times, even if another display has focus. If

you want the display to always appear on top, use the On Top option.

If more than one graphic display of the On Top type is open at once, the display that
appears on top is the one that has focus, or the one that had focus most recently.

You can use the PullForward, PushBack, and SetFocus commands to cycle through
multiple On Top and Overlay displays at run time. For more information about these
commands, see the FactoryTalk View Site Edition Help.

Allowing multiple running copies

Use this option with graphic displays of type Overlay or On Top, to allow multiple copies
of the display to run simultaneously.

For example, you can open two copies of the same display in different parts of a
FactoryTalk View SE Client window, by issuing the following commands:

Display PID /Q1

Display PID /Q2

PID is the name of a graphic display: the /Q1 parameter positions the first copy of the
display at the top-right corner of the window; the /Q2 parameter positions the second copy
at the top-left corner of the window.

If the Display command specifies a display that does not allow multiple copies, and the
display is already running, it is brought to the foreground only.

If multiple copies of a display (or several separate displays) are running, use the SetFocus
command to bring any hidden displays to the foreground. A display of type On Top is
always at the front, regardless of which display has focus.

For more information about commands used to navigate between displays at run time, see
the FactoryTalk View Site Edition Help.

To run multiple copies of displays without using the Allow Multiple Running Copies option, use
the Display command with different parameter files, for each copy of the display you want to run.
For more information, see “Replacing tag placeholders using parameter files” on page 16-36.