Alarm log file names, Example: hmi tag alarm log file name, Adding remarks to the alarm log file at run time – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Site Edition Users Guide User Manual

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You must include the quotation marks, because there are spaces in the parameter.

Alarm log file names

HMI tag alarm information is stored in file sets, in proprietary format.

When an alarm log file is created, it is named automatically. The name is based on the date
the file was created and the type of data it contains.

The format for the name is YYYYMMDDnz.dat, where:

YYYY are the four digits of the year.

MM is the month.

DD is the day.

n is the sequence letter (A, B, C, and so on). This letter indicates the sequence, in
which the files were created. You can have up to 26 files (A to Z) per day. At midnight,
the sequence starts at A again.

z is the file type: L (uppercase L) is for alarm.

If you are using short file names, or if the path where the log files are stored does not
support long file names, the format for the name is YYMMDDnz.dat, where YY are the
last two digits of the year.

Example: HMI tag alarm log file name

The log file named 20061015BL.dat was created in the year 2006, month 10, and day 15.
The B indicates that this is the second file created that day. The L (uppercase L) indicates
that this is an alarm log file.

Adding remarks to the alarm log file at run time

Use the AlarmLogRemark command to add information to the HMI tag alarm log file at
run time.

At run time, due to operating system rules, the alarm log viewer might open behind the
FactoryTalk View SE Client window. If you are unaware of this, and try to open the viewer again,
another instance will open. This could result in multiple viewers being open at the same time.

To avoid this, you can bring the viewer to the front manually, and close it when it is no longer
required. You can also use the programmatic solution documented in Answer ID 9041 in the
Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase.