Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Site Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 361

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Information that is not included in the replicate operation includes datalog files generated
at run time, the current value of HMI memory tags, retentive tags, and the HMI tag alarm
suppressed list.

HMI server replication is only available for redundant application server pairs in a
FactoryTalk View SE network distributed application.

For replication to succeed, the primary server must remain active and the secondary server
must remain on standby, for the duration of the replicate operation.

For information about checking server states, see “Monitoring the status of application
servers” on page 14-2

To replicate changes from the primary to the secondary server

1. In FactoryTalk View Studio, in the Explorer window, right-click the primary HMI

server’s icon, and then select Properties.

2. Click the Redundancy tab, and then click Replicate Primary to Secondary.

Follow the instructions on screen. After replication is complete, the secondary server
is restarted.

Determining the Active HMI server in a redundant pair

At run time, either the primary or the secondary HMI server in a redundant pair can be in
an active or a standby state:

The Active server is actively providing data and services (for example, graphic
displays and event processing) to connected clients.

The Standby server is ready to provide data and services to connected clients, in the
event that the Active server fails.

The primary and secondary servers communicate about their status, and determine which
server should be active, and which should be standby, based on redundancy options set up
in the primary server’s Properties dialog box.

If you select the option, Switch over to the primary server when it becomes active, the
redundant server pair will agree that, whenever it is ready, the primary server will always
become the Active server.

If you select the option, Continue to use the secondary server when the primary
server becomes available again
, the redundant server pair will agree that the currently
Active server will always remain active.

The Replicate Primary to Secondary button is available only if the primary server is active
when you select the Redundancy tab.