Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Site Edition Users Guide User Manual
Page 206

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To create an HMI tag
1. In FactoryTalk View Studio, in the Explorer window, open the HMI Tags folder, and
then double-click the Tags icon.
2. In the Tags editor, if you want to add the new tag to a folder, double-click the folder in
the folder hierarchy window (under the Search For field).
3. To clear the form and position the cursor in the Name box, click New in the form
section of the editor.
If you have opened a folder, the folder’s name is inserted in the Name box
automatically, and the cursor is positioned to the right of the folder name.
4. Type a name for the tag, and then select its type.
5. In the Tag section, specify any additional information required for the type of tag you
are creating.
6. Select a data source and specify the required information.
7. Select the Alarm box if the tag is to have an alarm set up for it.
For more information, see “Defining alarm conditions for HMI tags” on page 10-27.
8. Click Accept to save the tag to the database.
To modify a tag
1. In the Tags editor, find and select the tag you want to modify.
Tag attributes are shown in the form section of the editor.
2. Modify selected attributes.
You can modify all parts of an existing tag, except the tag name and tag type.
3. Click Accept to save changes.
To duplicate a tag
1. In the Tags editor, find and select the tag you want to duplicate.
2. From the Edit menu, select Duplicate
You can also click the Duplicate button on the editor’s toolbar.
A new row is inserted under the highlighted row. The new row contains all the same
information except the tag name.
3. In the Tag Name field, type a name for the new tag.
4. Click Accept.