Using factorytalk alarm functions in expressions – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk View Site Edition Users Guide User Manual

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5. In the Animation dialog box, click the Touch tab. To let the operator acknowledge the

alarm by clicking on the High High Alarm object:

In the Press action box, type Optionally, run a command or macro as the release
action, to notify the operator’s supervisor when the alarm is acknowledged.

At run time, when the High High Alarm object becomes visible, the operator can press
the object to acknowledge the alarm.

The object will remain visible until the alarm returns to normal. When that happens, the
HHInAlarm status tag is reset to 0, making the High High Alarm text object invisible.

For more information about setting up animation for FactoryTalk View graphic objects,
see Chapter 17, Creating graphic objects.

Using FactoryTalk alarm functions in expressions

To retrieve information about FactoryTalk alarms for individual tags, or for groups of
tags, use FactoryTalk alarm functions in expressions.

You can use the FactoryTalk alarm functions wherever expressions are supported in a
FactoryTalk View SE application. For example, use an alarm function to set up a numeric
display object, or define a derived tag.

For information about creating expressions, see Chapter 20, Creating expressions.

Retrieving information about the severity of alarms

FactoryTalk View SE provides alarm functions you can use in expressions, to retrieve the
highest severity value of specified alarms that are acknowledged or unacknowledged.

Use the high severity functions to alert operators when high-severity alarms occur. For
example, you could set up a graphic object to turn red and blink, if the specified function
returns a value greater than 900 for alarms in the operator’s area.

Highest severity value of acknowledged alarms

The following expression returns the highest severity value associated with the specified
alarms, for alarms that have been acknowledged:


where AlarmName is an absolute or relative path to one or more FactoryTalk alarms. For
information about specifying the alarm source, see page 12-55.