1 setting the communication path, Setting the communication path, Setting the communication path ( 79) – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual

Page 79: Pter, Establishing an online connection

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Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014


Establishing an online connection

Going online

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Setting the communication path

In the Communication path dialog box, the selected device is shown in the upper list field together

with the currently selected bus connection.

• If, instead of a device, the uppermost project element or a system module has been selected in

the Project view, all the devices contained in the element selected are displayed:


Example: Communication path with a 9400 HighLine controller and a controller

• If you select a device from the upper list field, you can set or alter the communication settings

for this device in the lower dialog area.

• The bus connection suitable for the respective device is preselected in the Bus connection list

field and can be checked with the Search/Enter button.

• The other bus connections available for a device in the Bus connection list field depend on the

respective device and its communication modules/interfaces.

• By clicking the checkmark in the Selection column you can exclude the corresponding device

from going online.

If you press Connect, the online connection is established to all devices with the checkmark in the

Selection column.

Configuring a bus connection
Detailed information on how to configure the respective bus connection can be found in the

corresponding subchapter of the desired bus connection:

Diagnostic adapter

( 80)


( 81)


For "going online" the communication settings are only required when the first

connection to the device is established. When the Go online command is executed again,

the Communication path dialog box is no longer shown and the online connection via

the bus connection set is established immediately.
To open the Communication path again, select the OnlineSet communication path and

go online menu command. Like this you can alter a communication path that has already

been set.