6 overlay function, 7 copying a data record to the clipboard, Overlay function – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual
Page 126: Copying a data record to the clipboard, Copying a data record to the clipboard ( 126), Device functions with active online connection
Device functions with active online connection
Data logger
Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014
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Overlay function
The overlay function serves to lay several characteristics from the currently loaded data records on
top of each other, e.g. to compare signal characteristics from different recordings.
• If two or more data records are loaded in the data logger, e.g. an online data record and a data
record saved before in the project, a "merge" data record is automatically provided in the Data
record list field.
• If the merge data record is selected, the desired characteristics to be overlaid or compared can
be selected from the loaded data records in the Vertical channel settings group field.
• If an online data record is used in the merge data record, an update is carried out in the merge
data record in the case of a renewed recording.
• Removing variables from an offline or online data record causes the characteristics in the merge
data record to be deleted.
Copying a data record to the clipboard
For documentation purposes, it is possible to copy the measured data of a data record as a table or,
alternatively, the data logger user interface as a picture, to the clipboard for use in other programs.
How to copy measured data or a picture of the user interface to the clipboard:
1. Go to the Data logger toolbar and click the
• The Clipboard dialog box appears.
2. Select Curve points if the measured data are to be copied to the clipboard as a table, or
select Screenshot if the data logger user interface is to be copied to the clipboard as a
3. Press OK.
• The dialog box is closed and the selected option is copied to the clipboard.