8 defining the system functionality, 1 representation in the project view, Defining the system functionality – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual
Page 128: Representation in the project view, 8defining the system functionality
Defining the system functionality
Representation in the project view
Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014
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Defining the system functionality
This chapter describes how to define the functions of your overall system in the »Engineer«. For this
purpose you describe the information which is communicated between the devices of your system
for your devices to interact in the desired way. Furthermore you define the precise function of the
individual devices within your system (parameterising and configuring devices).
Representation in the project view
The Project view represents the correlation between the elements of the system structure consisting
of system modules and axes and the logic.
• The
icon below the device represents the selected application for the device in question.
• A higher-level machine application
is required if several devices have to exchange
information with each other, as applications can only be interconnected within one machine
• In contrast to networks, functions do not focus on network-specific settings but on contents
and structure of communicated variables.
Example 1: System with two 9400 HighLine drive controllers
Example 2: System with one 8400 Baseline C drive controller
Configurations that have been carried out are not immediately accepted in device-
specific parameter assignments (the known codes for Lenze devices)!
• The project must be updated to transfer the configuration to the device: