2 defining the recording time/sampling rate, Defining the recording time/sampling rate, Defining – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual
Page 117: The recording time/sampling rate, Defining the, Recording time/sampling rate, Device functions with active online connection
Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014
Device functions with active online connection
Data logger
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How to change a selection:
1. Double-click the Name field for the channel to be changed.
2. Make a new selection in the Insert channel dialog box.
3. Press Insert button.
• The dialog box then closes and the selection is accepted.
How to cancel a selection again:
1. Right-click the channel to be deleted.
• A Context menu for this channel appears.
2. Select the Delete channel menu command from the Context menu.
Defining the recording time/sampling rate
How to define the duration and sampling rate for recording:
1. Select the required time base from the Time base list field in the Horizontal group field.
• The current time base setting multiplied by ten results in the recording time.
• Since the size of the measured data memory is limited, a compromise between sampling
rate and recording time is generally required.
2. Select the required sampling rate from the Sampling rate in the Recording group field.
If you change the time base or the sampling rate, the currently represented line diagram
will be deleted.