2 opening the project file, Opening the project file, Opening the project file ( 38) – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual

Page 38: Getting started: creating a project

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Getting started: creating a project

Opening the project file


Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014

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• The individual elements in the Project view can be edited any time.
• The standard memory location for »Engineer« projects can be defined any time via the

menu command ToolsOptions in the Environment tab.

Options for the

representation/project memory location

( 29)

Next steps
The next step is to create a system structure.

Anlagenmodule einfügen

( 53)


Opening the project file

How to open an existing project:

1. Click the

icon or select the menu command FileOpen to call the start-up wizard.

Step 1 - What would you like to do?

2. In the Project file list field, select one of the recently processed project files or click the

Browse... button to select an existing project file (*.afs format,

) in the workspace


• The Preview area shows additional details for the project selected, which you can add

during saving the project. Like this the respective project can be better identified.

3. Press the Complete button to open the selected project file.

• If a project is opened (

from »Engineer« HighLevel V2.12

) that was created in a previous

»Engineer« version, the data structure of the project is automatically optimised. Thus, the

optimised project can then only be used with the current »Engineer« version (and higher).