Creating a new project (selecting a, Component from the catalogue), Getting started: creating a project – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual

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Getting started: creating a project

Creating a new project


Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014

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Project properties
The project properties entered in the Start-up wizard can be edited any time later on.



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Memory location

An »Engineer« project includes a project file (*.afs format,

) as well as other directories and files

which are stored in a project directory.

• The name and path for the project directory can be selected in the Start-up wizard.
• The memory location can be changed later.

Options for the representation/project memory


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Creating a new project (selecting a component from the catalogue)

By this procedure you create a project with components (for example controller, I/O system, etc.).

The components are chosen from the selection lists of the catalogues in the »Engineer«.

• By means of this option you can go online with the inserted controller directly after having

created the project, in order to transfer e.g. parameters.

How to create a new project with components:

1. Click the

icon or select the menu command FileNew to call the start-up wizard.

Step 1 - What would you like to do?

Product features

• Project name

• Project data

• Descriptive text

Define desired properties in order to

be able to clearly identify the project.

Memory location

• Name of the project folder

• Memory location for projects

Define desired memory location.

• Optionally a standard memory

location can be defined.


