4 step 4: adapting acceleration for points, Step 4: adapting acceleration for points, Appendix – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual
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Creating cam data with the »Cam Editor«
Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014
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positive or only negative acceleration values are acceptable. If necessary, the polynomials are
replaced with lines.
For the base elements reversal (R) and motion (M), the acceleration values are also pre-assigned in
such a way that the resulting jerk is kept to a minimum.
Under the Worksheet, the speed, acceleration and jerk variations of the resulting motion profile are
You can change back to the object input mode
anytime to add further basic conditions.
Afterwards you simply change back to the curve mode and have the connections
Step 4: Adapting acceleration for points
With regard to the calculation of the connections in the curve mode, the values for the acceleration
are set automatically for all point objects for which the Self-adjusting acceleration option in the
Properties dialog box has been selected (default setting).
The acceleration for these point objects is set to a value that connects the adjacent connection
objects (e.g. polynomial 5th degree) to form an optimum motion profile.
There are cases where the use of algorithms does not lead to an optimum curve. Overshooting at
the connections can occur, especially in the case of highly asymmetrical relationships.
How to carry out a manual correction of the acceleration:
1. In the Context menu (right-hand mouse button) belonging to the point in question, select
the Properties... command in order to open the dialog box Properties of point:
2. In the Boundary values tab, deselect the option Self-adjusting acceleration.
3. Enter the desired acceleration in the Acceleration input field.
4. Click the OK button in order to close the dialog box and accept the settings.
5. The connections are calculated automatically.
• If Expert mode has been activated, calculation is to be started by clicking the