1 displaying parameter values, Displaying parameter values, User interface – Lenze Engineer v2.21 User Manual

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User interface



Lenze · Engineer · 2.13 EN - 10/2014

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The representation of the tabs in the workspace depends on the selected project element /

device type.
You can alter the width and height of the Workspace by using the mouse pointer to move

the screen divider between the Project view and the Workspace or between the Workspace

and the Message window as required.

Parameterising & configuring the devices

( 132)


Displaying parameter values

Device parameter settings shown in the workspace of the »Engineer« (e.g. in the Parameters tab for

a device) are displayed with different background colours with the following meaning:




Offline representation


Offline parameter

• The device is not connected "online" with the »Engineer«. The "offline" parameter

value set in the project is displayed.

Light grey

Offline display parameter

• So-called "display parameters" are parameters which are only used to show

status information and actual values and which feature a read-only access.

Online representation


Online parameter (value can be changed)

• The device is connected "online" with the »Engineer«. The current parameter

value of the device is displayed.

• The symbol in front of a parameter value indicates that the value in the device

differs from the parameter value set in the project.

Pale yellow

Online display parameter (read only)

• The device is "online", i.e. connected to »Engineer«. The current parameter value

of a display parameter of the device is shown.


Communication error (time-out)

• Communication to a device is interrupted, the online parameter could not be

read out of the device within a certain time.