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MAXQ7667 User’s Guide
3.9 Accessing the Stack
The hardware stack is used automatically by the CALL, RET and RETI instructions, but it can also be used explicitly to store and retrieve
data. All values stored on the stack are 16 bits wide.
The PUSH instruction increments the stack pointer SP and then stores a value on the stack. When pushing a 16-bit value onto the stack,
the entire value is stored. However, when pushing an 8-bit value onto the stack, the high byte stored on the stack comes from the pre-
fix register. The @++SP stack access mnemonic is the associated destination specifier that generates this push behavior, thus the fol-
lowing two instruction sequences are equivalent:
move PFX[0], IC
push PSF
; stored on stack: IC:PSF
move PFX[0], IC
move @++SP, PSF
; stored on stack: IC:PSF
The POP instruction removes a value from the stack and then decrements the stack pointer. The @SP-- stack access mnemonic is the
associated source specifier that generates this behavior, thus the following two instructions are equivalent:
pop PSF
move PSF, @SP--
The POPI instruction is equivalent to the POP instruction but additionally clears the INS bit to 0. Thus, the following two instructions
would be equivalent:
popi IP
The @SP-- mnemonic can be used by the MAXQ microcontroller so that stack values may be used directly by ALU operations (e.g.
ADD src, XOR src, etc.) without requiring that the value be first popped into an intermediate register or accumulator.
add @SP--
; sum the last three words pushed onto the stack
add @SP--
; with Acc, disregarding overflow
add @SP--
The stack pointer SP can be set explicitly, however only those least significant bits needed to represent the stack depth for the asso-
ciated MAXQ device are used. For a MAXQ device that has a stack depth of 16 words, only the lowest four bits are used and setting
SP to 0Fh will return it to its reset state.
Since the stack is 16 bits wide, it is possible to store two 8-bit register values on it in a single location. This allows more efficient use
of the stack if it is being used to save and restore registers at the start and end of a subroutine.
move PFX[0], IC
push PSF
; store IC:PSF on the stack
pop GR
; 16-bit register
move IC, GRH
; IC was stored as high byte
move PSF, GRL
; PSF was stored as low byte