Maxim Integrated MAX-IDE MAXQ Microcontrollers User Manual
Introduction, Overview

MAX-IDE Simulator User's Guide for the MAXQ
Sep 22, 2006
Abstract: This application note provides useful references and describes how to use the MAX-IDE toolset
to build applications for MAXQ® microcontrollers. It specifically explains how to use the MAX-IDE
The MAX-IDE is an easy-to-use Windows®-based development environment and tool set that gives
designers software simulators, emulators and debugging capabilities. Using MAX-IDE, developers can
create embedded applications for the
The MAX-IDE toolset provides the following features:
1. MAXQ assembler. For the MAXQ microcontroller instruction set, see Section 18.0 of the
2. Project manager
3. Text editor
4. Viewer for processor memory (utility ROM/code/data) and registers
5. Debugger with the ability to single-step and set breakpoints
6. Simulators for different MAXQ devices
7. Statistical reporting for machine cycles, execution time, and other parameters
The following files are installed as part of the installation:
1. GenericIDE.exe: This is a MAX-IDE executable that provides the Windows-based integrated
development environment including the text editor, project manager, and debugger.
2. MAX-IDE.hlp: This file contains the MAX-IDE help information. Users can access the contents of
this file through the MAX-IDE's help menu.
3. MaxQGS.dll: This is the DLL file for a MAXQ device simulator.
4. Macro.exe: This is the executable file for the macro preprocessor. The macro preprocessor takes
the assembly source file as an input and converts equates to numeric values and macros to inline
5. MaxQAsm.exe: This is the MAXQ assembler. The assembler supports the complete instruction set
of MAXQ. It takes the assembly source file (.asm) as an input and produces an Intel hex file (.hex)
and a list file (.lst).
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