9 adc interrupts, 10 using the adc, 11 measuring adc refere – Maxim Integrated MAXQ7667 User Manual

Page 251: 9 adc interrupts -19, 10 using the adc -19, Maxq7667 user’s guide

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MAXQ7667 User’s Guide

14.5.9 ADC Interrupts

The MAXQ7667 ADC can generate an interrupt when ADC data is ready.

The ADC data ready interrupt is generated when the conversion on a channel is complete and a 12-bit result is written into the SARD

register. The SAR ADC data ready (SARRDY) flag in the ASR register (ASR.0) is also set when a conversion is complete. The SARIE

bit in the AIE register (AIE.0) must be set for the interrupt to be generated. Otherwise, only the SARRDY status flag is set and the inter-

rupt is not generated.

Note: It is also required that the interrupt global enable bit (IGE) in the Interrupt and Control Register (IC) and the interrupt mask bit 5
(IM5) in the Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) are enabled for the interrupt to occur.

14.5.10 Using the ADC

The flow chart in Figure 14-11 highlights all the steps required for initializing and using the ADC.

14.5.11 Measuring ADC Reference Voltage Using AVDD as Reference

The analog ADC reference voltage can be measured by setting the ADC input multiplexer bits SARMX[2:0] to 101. This setting mea-

sures the REF (internal or external) and AVDD should be used as the reference. The AVDD can be selected as the reference by set-

ting the SARRSEL bit (SARC.5).

Under normal circumstances, a 12-bit ADC would normally work as shown by the following equation. (Note: ADC-count is rounded to

the nearest integer.)

ADC-count (SARD Register) = 4096 x input volt/reference voltage

However, by setting the SARMX and the SARRSEL bits as mentioned above, the input volt becomes the REF and the reference volt-

age becomes the AVDD. Therefore,

ADC-count = 4096 x REF/AVDD

Hence, the ADC-count from the SARD register is the digitized REF value.