Avaya 580 User Manual
Page 750
User Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
router port display parameters
LSA detail
OSPF interface parameters
OSPF summaries parameters
OSPF virtual link parameters
area ID
OSPF area parameters
OSPF link parameters
OSPF link state database parameter
OSPF link state database search parameters
OSPF statistical parameters
area type
OSPF area parameters
ARP cache
ARP cache entries
ARP cache search parameters
IP address
AS border route
OSPF global configuration parameters
AS border Rtrs
OSPF statistical parameters
attached router ID 1 & 2
LSA detail
auth key
RIP interface parameters
VRRP configuration parameters
auth type
RIP interface parameters
OSPF interface parameters
OSPF virtual link parameters
authentication failure
event class parameters
authentication key
OSPF virtual link parameters
Authorization Type
auto increment
address table instance hash table parameter
auto increment HT size
VLAN configuration parameters
auto negotiation speed/duplex advertisement
10/100 port
auto-creation of virtual links
OSPF global configuration parameters
automatic client pruning
automatic client pruning
automatic router pruning
automatic router pruning
automatic session pruning
automatic session pruning
automatic VLAN creation
Cisco Catalyst 5000 parameters
switch port configuration parameters
Fast Ethernet module
auto-negotiation mode
10/100 port parameter
bad advertisements received
VRRP statistical parameters
bad packets received
IPX SAP interface statistical parameters
RIP statistical parameters
bad routes received
RIP statistical parameters
baud rate
console serial port settings
Bcast error
AppleTalk global statistics
BDR address
OSPF link parameters
BDR choice
OSPF neighbors parameters
bind to all
Virtual LAN binding options
bind to received
Virtual LAN binding options
Binding a Port to more than one VLAN with the CLI
binding type
VLAN switch port table parameters
blocking state (spanning tree bridge port)
BOOTP relay agent
BOOTP/DHCP in discards
IP routing global statistics
BOOTP/DHCP in hops exceeded
IP routing global statistics
BOOTP/DHCP in requests
IP routing global statistics
BOOTP/DHCP in responses
IP routing global statistics
BOOTP/DHCP out requests
IP routing global statistics
BOOTP/DHCP out responses
IP routing global statistics
BOOTP/DHCP relay agent