Examples, Setting a physical port to ignore tag priority, Cli command – Avaya 580 User Manual
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User Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
Chapter 25
Setting a Physical Port to Ignore Tag Priority
CLI Command
Use the set port ignore-tag priority command to set a port to ignore any
layer 2 tag priority (including 802.1p tags). The syntax of the command is:
set port ignore-tag-priority {{
swport-range>} [..., {
| off}
All ports in the chassis. If you specify all-
ports, all ports on all modules in the chassis
are set with the same priority.
The priority that you want to assign to the port
or port range. Enter a number between 0 and
7. The highest priority is 7. Each physical port
has a default priority of 3.
Table 25-4. Keywords, Arguments, and Options
Keyword, Argument or
2 of 2
Table 25-5. Examples: set port default-priority
Set the port priority to 0 for all ports
on the module in slot 3
set port default-priority 3 0
Set the port priority to 5 for ports 1
through 5 on the module in slot 3
set port default-priority 3/1-5 5
Set the port priority to 2 for ports 1
through 5 on the module in slot 3 and
for port 1 on the module in slot 6
set port default-priority 3/1-5,6/1 2