Avaya P330-ML-ML User Manual
P330-ml-ml, Vaya
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Using the CLI
- Avaya P330-ML Layer 2 CLI Commands
- clear cam
- clear dot1x config
- clear dynamic vlans
- clear log
- clear logging file
- clear logging server
- clear port mirror
- clear port static-vlan
- clear radius authentication server
- clear rmon statistics
- clear screen
- clear secure mac
- clear snmp trap
- clear timezone
- clear utilization cpu
- clear vlan
- copy module-config scp
- copy module-config tftp
- copy running-config scp
- copy running-config startup-config
- copy running-config tftp
- copy scp module-config
- copy scp stack-config
- copy scp startup-config
- copy stack-config scp
- copy stack-config tftp
- copy startup-config scp
- copy startup-config tftp
- copy tftp EW_archive
- copy tftp module-config
- copy tftp stack-config
- copy tftp startup-config
- copy tftp SW_image
- copy tftp SW_powerinline_image
- crypto key generate dsa
- dir
- disconnect ssh
- get time
- help
- hostname
- ip access-list
- ip access-list-cookie
- ip access-list-copy
- ip access-default-action
- ip access-list-dscp operation
- ip access-list-dscp trust
- ip access-list-name
- ip access-list-owner
- ip http enable
- ip icmp redirect
- ip simulate
- ip ssh enable
- ip telnet enable
- ip telnet-client enable
- no ip http
- no ip icmp redirect
- no ip ssh
- no ip telnet
- no ip telnet-client
- no rmon alarm
- no rmon event
- no rmon history
- no snmp-server
- no snmp-server engineID
- no snmp-server community
- no snmp-server group
- no snmp-server host
- no snmp-server notifications
- no snmp-server remote-user
- no snmp-server user
- no snmp-server view
- no username
- nvram initialize
- ping
- prompt-length
- reset
- reset mgp
- reset stack
- reset wan
- retstatus
- rmon alarm
- rmon event
- rmon history
- session
- set allowed managers
- set allowed managers ip
- set arp-aging-interval
- set arp-tx-interval
- set autopartition
- set boot bank
- set cascading
- set device-mode
- set dot1x max-req
- set dot1x quiet-period
- set dot1x re-authperiod
- set dot1x server-timeout
- set dot1x supp-timeout
- set dot1x system-auth-control disable
- set dot1x system-auth-control enable
- set dot1x tx-period
- set inband vlan
- set intelligent-multicast
- set intelligent-multicast client-port-pruning time
- set intelligent-multicast group-filtering-delay time
- set intelligent-multicast router-port-pruning time
- set interface inband
- set interface ppp
- set interface ppp enable/enable-always/disable/off/reset
- set intermodule port redundancy
- set intermodule port redundancy off
- set internal buffering
- set ip route
- set license
- set logging file condition
- set logging file disable
- set logging file enable
- set logging server
- set logging server access-level
- set logging server condition
- set logging server disable
- set logging server enable
- set logging server facility
- set logging session condition
- set logging session disable
- set logging session enable
- set logout
- set mac-aging
- set mac-aging-time
- set port auto-negotiation-flowcontrol-advertisement
- set port channel
- set port classification
- set port disable
- set port dot1x initialize
- set port dot1x max-req
- set port dot1x port-control
- set port dot1x quiet-period
- set port dot1x re-authenticate
- set port dot1x re-authentication
- set port dot1x re-authperiod
- set port dot1x server-timeout
- set port dot1x supp-timeout
- set port dot1x tx-period
- set port duplex
- set port edge admin state
- set port enable
- set port flowcontrol
- set port level
- set port mirror
- set port name
- set port negotiation
- set port point-to-point admin status
- set port powerline
- set port powerline priority
- set port redundancy
- set port redundancy on/off
- set port redundancy-intervals
- set port security
- set port spantree cost
- set port spantree disable
- set port spantree enable
- set port spantree force-protocol-migration
- set port spantree priority
- set port speed
- set port static-vlan
- set port trap
- set port vlan
- set port vlan-binding-mode
- set powerinline external power
- set ppp authentication incoming
- set ppp baud-rate
- set ppp chap-secret
- set ppp incoming timeout
- set psu type
- set qos policy-source
- set queuing scheme
- set radius authentication enable/disable
- set radius authentication retry-number
- set radius authentication retry-time
- set radius authentication secret
- set radius authentication server
- set radius authentication udp-port
- set secure mac
- set security mode
- set security violation
- set snmp community
- set snmp retries
- set snmp timeout
- set snmp trap
- set snmp trap auth
- set spantree default-path-cost
- set spantree disable
- set spantree enable
- set spantree forward-delay
- set spantree hello-time
- set spantree max-age
- set spantree priority
- set spantree tx-hold-count
- set spantree version
- set system contact
- set system location
- set system name
- set terminal recovery password disable
- set terminal recovery password
- set time client
- set time protocol
- set time server
- set timezone
- set trunk
- set utilization cpu
- set vlan
- set web aux-files-url
- set welcome message
- show allowed managers status
- show allowed managers table
- show arp-aging-interval
- show arp-tx-interval
- show autopartition
- show boot bank
- show cam
- show cam mac
- show cam vlan
- show cascading fault-monitoring
- show copy status
- show dev log file
- show device-mode
- show dot1x
- show download status
- show erase status
- show image version
- show intelligent-multicast
- show intelligent-multicast hardware-support
- show interface
- show intermodule port redundancy
- show internal buffering
- show ip access-group
- show ip access-list details
- show ip access-list-dscp
- show ip access lists
- show ip access-list-summary
- show ip route
- show ip ssh
- show l2-module-config
- show l2-stack-config
- show license
- show log
- show logging file condition
- show logging file content
- show logging server condition
- show logging session condition
- show logout
- show mac-aging
- show mac-aging-time
- show module
- show module-identity
- show port
- show port auto-negotiation-flowcontrol-advertisement
- show port channel
- show port classification
- show port dot1x
- show port dot1x statistics
- show port edge state
- show port flowcontrol
- show port mirror
- show port point-to-point status
- show port redundancy
- show port security
- show port trap
- show port vlan-binding-mode
- Show powerinline
- show powerinline image version
- show ppp authentication
- show ppp baud-rate
- show ppp configuration
- show ppp incoming timeout
- show ppp session
- show protocol
- show queuing scheme
- show radius authentication
- show rmon alarm
- show rmon event
- show rmon history
- show rmon statistics
- show secure current
- show secure mac
- show security mode
- show snmp
- show snmp engineID
- show snmp group
- show snmp retries
- show snmp timeout
- show snmp user
- show snmp userToGroup
- show snmp view
- show spantree
- show system
- show tftp download software status
- show time
- show time parameters
- show timeout
- show timezone
- show trunk
- show upload status
- show username
- show utilization
- show vlan
- show web aux-files-url
- snmp-server community
- snmp-server enable
- snmp-server enable notifications
- snmp-server engineID
- snmp-server group
- snmp-server host
- snmp-server informs
- snmp-server remote-user
- snmp-server user
- snmp-server view
- stack health
- sync time
- tech
- telnet
- terminal
- username
- validate-group
- Avaya P330-ML Layer 3 CLI Commands
- How the Layer 3 CLI is Organized
- General Commands
- arp
- arp timeout
- clear arp-cache
- clear fragment
- clear ip route
- clear ip traffic
- clear screen
- clear vlan
- configure
- copy module-config scp
- copy module-config tftp
- copy running-config scp
- copy running-config startup-config
- copy running-config tftp
- copy scp module-config
- copy scp startup-config
- copy startup-config scp
- copy startup-config tftp
- copy tftp startup-config
- disconnect ssh
- erase startup-config
- event log
- exit
- fragment chain
- fragment size
- fragment timeout
- help
- hostname
- icmp in-echo-limit
- interface
- ip access-default-action
- ip access-group
- ip access-list
- ip access-list-cookie
- ip access-list-copy
- ip access-list-dscp operation
- ip access-list-dscp trust
- ip access-list-name
- ip access-list-owner
- ip bootp-dhcp relay
- ip default-gateway
- ip max-arp-entries
- ip max-route-entries
- ip netmask-format
- ip ospf router-id
- ip route
- ip routing
- ip simulate
- ping
- prompt-length
- reset
- router ospf
- router rip
- router srrp
- router vrrp
- session
- set device-mode
- set policy type
- set qos policy-source
- set system contact
- set system location
- set system name
- set vlan
- show copy status
- show device-mode
- show download status
- show erase status
- show fragment
- show ip access-group
- show ip access-lists
- show ip access-list-dscp
- show ip access-list-summary
- show ip arp
- show ip icmp
- show ip interface
- show ip interface brief
- show ip ospf
- show ip ospf database
- show ip ospf interface
- show ip ospf neighbor
- show ip protocols
- show ip reverse-arp
- show ip route
- show ip route best-match
- show ip route static
- show ip route summary
- show ip ssh
- show ip srrp
- show ip traffic
- show ip unicast cache
- show ip unicast cache networks
- show ip unicast cache networks detailed
- show ip unicast cache nextHop
- show ip unicast cache summary
- show ip vrrp
- show ip vrrp detail
- show policy type
- show startup-config
- show system
- show upload status
- show vlan
- terminal
- traceroute
- validate-group
- Interface Context
- default-metric
- enable vlan commands
- ip address
- ip admin-state
- ip bootp-dhcp network
- ip bootp-dhcp server
- ip broadcast-address
- ip directed-broadcast
- ip netbios-rebroadcast
- ip ospf authentication-key
- ip ospf cost
- ip ospf dead-interval
- ip ospf hello-interval
- ip ospf priority
- ip proxy-arp
- ip redirects
- ip rip authentication key
- ip rip authentication mode
- ip rip default-route-mode
- ip rip poison-reverse
- ip rip rip-version
- ip rip send-receive-mode
- ip rip split-horizon
- ip routing-mode
- ip srrp backup
- ip vlan/ip vlan name
- ip vrrp
- ip vrrp address
- ip vrrp auth-key
- ip vrrp override addr owner
- ip vrrp preempt
- ip vrrp primary
- ip vrrp priority
- ip vrrp timer
- Router RIP Context
- Router OSPF Context
- Router SRRP Context
- Index of Layer 2 CLI Commands
- Index of Layer 3 CLI Commands