Removing the rslinx software activation file, Removing the rslinx software activation file -7 – Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT4000 ProcessLogix R400.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual

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Publication 1757-IN040B-EN-P - March 2002

ProcessLogix Server Upgrade Procedures 4-7

3. At the DOS prompt, key in the following command:

>hscserver /unload /y<

4. Key in the following command:

XCOPY C:\Honeywell\server\data\*.* T:\Honeywell\Server\data.upgrade /S /E

5. If necessary, enter >D< to specify that data.upgrade is a directory.

6. Wait until the C:\ prompt appears and close the DOS window.

Removing the RSLinx Software Activation File

It is possible to transfer your RSLinx Activation codes from the old
system to the new system. To move the activation file from your
R320.0 Server,

1. Locate the RSLinx Master Disk and insert it into the floppy drive.

2. Click Start


3. Key in this path location in the Open entry field or use Browse

to navigate to the evmove.exe file on the diskette.

>A:(or your floppy drive letter)\EVMOVE.EXE<

4. Click OK to launch the move executive.

5. Confirm that the hard drive letter C:, for example, appears in the

From Drive field and the floppy drive letter A:, for example,
appears in the To Drive field in the dialog box.

6. Click OK to initiate the move.