Step 3 - review storage dependency and cost, Step 4 - review storage-based chargeback result – HP Storage Essentials NAS Manager Software User Manual
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Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 621
a charge for each storage tier. This charge is referred to as storage tier cost. The management
server determines the storage cost of the application by multiplying the storage tier cost by the
allotted storage. If the application uses more than one storage system, the storage cost from each
storage system is added for the total storage cost.
Storage tiers for storage-based information can have any name. The following default storage tier
names are provided:
Ultra High Availability
- usually assigned to the ultra high availability storage. This tier
contains the premium storage in your network, usually the most expensive.
High Availability
- usually assigned to the high availability storage. This tier contains storage
that is not as expensive as the storage assigned to the Ultra High Availability tier.
IDE Based Storage
- usually assigned to IDE-based storage. This tier contains storage that is
comparatively inexpensive.
Click the Storage Tiers link to review your storage tier costs. See ”
page 608 for more information about setting up storage tiers.
Step 3 - Review Storage Dependency and Cost
The management server displays chargeback information up to the end of the
previous month. For example, assume you view chargeback information in the middle of February.
The calculations for chargeback would include the month of January, but not February.
Click the Examine storage/volume dependency and cost details link to view the details.
The Storage Dependency for Application table is displayed if all of the following conditions apply:
The application depends on a storage system.
The organizations to which you belong allow you to view the storage system.
If the table is empty and you know the application is dependent on a storage system, verify you
have access to the storage system; otherwise, data cannot be calculated for this report.
The details are provided in a tree table. Expand the various nodes to drill down into the
application cost and examine how the storage systems, storage volumes, storage pools, and the
assigned tiers are contributing to the total cost.
Step 4 - Review Storage-Based Chargeback Result
The management server displays chargeback information up to the end of the
previous month. For example, assume you view chargeback information in the middle of February.
The calculations for chargeback would include the month of January, but not February.
The total storage-based monthly chargeback is displayed. This number is calculated as follows:
(Total Storage Cost) x (Ownership %) = Ownership Cost
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