Metrohm tiamo 1.1 Manual User Manual

Page 322

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Name of the method.


Date and time when the method was saved.


Short name of the user having saved the method.

Full name

Full name of the user having saved the method.


Version number of the method.


Display if and at which level the method has been signed.


The method has not been signed. It can be edited and deleted.

Level 1

The method has been signed at level 1. It can be edited and deleted. If the
method is edited and saved again, a new version is created and all the sig-

natures will be deleted.

Level 2

The method has been signed at level 2. The method is locked now and it
can neither be edited nor deleted.

Method comment

Comment for the method entered as Command comment for the command



Save method

Method name

50 characters

Name of the method.

The method name must be unambiguous in the whole Client/Server system.

Save the focused method under the desired method name in the selected
method group.
The method check is automatically carried out before saving the method. It
can be started manually anytime as well. The method is checked as thor-
ough as possible. Checks for devices, sensors and titrants/solutions are
carried out not until the start of the method. This is important to ensure that
commands for devices etc. can be created which are not yet configured in

the system. If an error is found, a message whether the method should be
saved nonetheless will be displayed. Faulty methods can't be started.
A new method version with a new identification is created after each stor-
age of a modified method. If the option

Comment on modification of methods

is activated in the Security settings, the dialog window

Modification comment


is displayed where a reason and a comment for the modification

must be entered before the method is saved.