Measuring point list – Metrohm tiamo 1.1 Manual User Manual

Page 305

background image

Subwindow Curves


Grid type

Select line type

Selection of the type of grid line.

Grid color

Color selection, [ dark gray ]

Selection of the grid line color.


Background color

Color selection, [ white ]

Selection of the color for the curve background.

Show end points

on, [ off ]

If this option is enabled then the found end points will be indicated on the
curve by the symbol ♦ and labeled with


(potentiometric end points),


(break point) or


(fixed end point).

Automatic EPs

Color selection, [ black ]

Selection of the color for automatically set end points.

Manual EPs

Color selection, [ light red ]

Selection of the color for manually set end points.

Show evaluation lines

on, [ off ]

If this option is enabled then the evaluation lines (tangents, auxiliary lines)
will be shown.


Color selection, [ green ]

Selection of the color for the tangents and auxiliary lines.

Auxiliary lines

Color selection, [ blue ]

Selection of the color for the auxiliary lines.

Measuring point list

Parameters for showing the measuring point list.