4 sample – Metrohm tiamo 1.1 Manual User Manual

Page 290

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4.9.4 Sample

Shows general information about the sample used.

Sample data

Information about the sample.

Sample size:

Value for the sample size.

Sample size unit:

Sample size unit.

Input date:

Date and time at which the sample size was entered.

Data source:

Data source for the sample size: for manual input


is shown, for

automatic input from a balance or barcode reader the corresponding de-

vice name, for data import from a file the corresponding file name.

Sartorius balances with their own data memory: the memory number shown in
parentheses will be shown in addition to the balance name (e.g.

M-# 429


Sample position:

Position of the sample on the sample rack.


Information about the sample identifications.


Shows the sample identifications entered for the sample. The identifications
will only be shown when a value is present.


If for the sample data variables

ID1 ... ID8, Sample size, Sample size unit, Sample


a different name is defined from that given in the Method variables in the


command then the title shown here will consist of this name with the

standard name shown in brackets (e.g.

Batch (ID2)


Live modifications

Information about the last live modifications of the sample data.

Modification reason sample data:

Reason for altering the sample data.

Modification comment sample data:

User comment about the sample data alteration.