Configuring mvr6 group address profiles, Figure 387 confi, Configuring mvr6 group – Brocade Communications Systems Brocate Ethernet Access Switch 6910 User Manual
Page 1148: Address profiles

Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide
Multicast VLAN Registration for IPv6
To configure settings for an MVR6 domain:
1. Click Multicast, MVR6.
2. Select Configure Domain from the Step list.
3. Select a domain from the scroll-down list.
4. Enable MVR6 for the selected domain, select the MVR6 VLAN, set the forwarding priority to be
assigned to all ingress multicast traffic, and set the source IP address for all control packets
sent upstream as required.
5. Click Apply.
Configuring Domain Settings for MVR6
Configuring MVR6 Group Address Profiles
Use the Multicast > MVR6 (Configure Profile and Associate Profile) pages to assign the multicast
group address for required services to one or more MVR6 domains.
CLI References
Command Usage
Use the Configure Profile page to statically configure all multicast group addresses that will join
the MVR6 VLAN. Any multicast data associated with an MVR6 group is sent from all source
ports to all receiver ports that have registered to receive data from that multicast group.
All IPv6 addresses must be according to RFC 2373 “IPv6 Addressing Architecture,” using 8
colon-separated 16-bit hexadecimal values. One double colon may be used in the address to
indicate the appropriate number of zeros required to fill the undefined fields. (Note that the IP
address ff02::X is reserved.)
The MVR6 group address range assigned to a profile cannot overlap with the group address
range of any other profile.
MRV6 domains can be associated with more than one MVR6 profile. But since MVR6 domains
cannot share the group range, an MRV6 profile can only be associated with one MVR6 domain.