Brocade Communications Systems SilkWorm 3800 User Manual
Silkworm 3800, Highlights

The Brocade SilkWorm 3800 Enterprise Fibre
Channel Fabric Switch provides both 1 and
2 Gbit/sec interfaces and includes a wide range
of enhanced features to improve SAN security,
availability, performance, and manageability.
The Brocade
16-port, auto-sensing Fibre Channel
switch significantly increases
performance and functionality for
Storage Area Networks (SANs).
Based on third-generation Brocade
ASIC technology, the SilkWorm
3800 combines 1 Gbit/sec and
2 Gbit/sec Fibre Channel through-
put with new features that greatly
enhance switch operation. As a
result, organizations can enjoy the
advantages of higher security,
availability, and performance, as well
as centralized data management.
Designed for enterprise environments,
the SilkWorm 3800 integrates a
variety of high-availability hardware
and software features.The SilkWorm
3800 is especially useful for organi-
zations that want to upgrade their
existing environment with minimal
disruption.The switch is fully inter-
operable with existing SilkWorm
1000 and 2000 series switches—
enabling a core-to-edge architecture
that facilitates expansion, higher
performance, and higher availability.
When added to existing fabrics,
the SilkWorm 3800 automatically
assigns individual switch addresses,
establishes frame routes, and configures
the internal name server.
The SilkWorm 3800 is designed to
provide high-availability switching at
the core of small-to-medium-sized
storage networks.The core-to-edge
SAN model features high availability
for the entire fabric through redundant
network paths. Combining the
proven reliability of the SilkWorm
family with a wide range of Advanced
Fabric Services, the SilkWorm 3800
provides a SAN fabric capable of
delivering overall system availability
greater than 99.999 percent—the
“five nines” of availability.
In addition, Brocade Fabric Shortest
Path First (FSPF) enables the fabric
to automatically isolate problems
and reroute traffic around failed
links onto alternate paths—ensuring
availability for mission-critical
enterprise applications.
I m p r o v e d S e c u r i t y, A v a i l a b i l i t y,
P e r f o r m a n c e , a n d M a n a g e a b i l i t y
• Provides 16 ports in a single
1U enclosure with auto-sensing
1 Gbit/sec and 2 Gbit/sec interfaces
for seamless integration with
existing fabrics
• Includes Brocade Advanced
Fabric Services that increase
security through hardware-enforced
WWN zoning
• Meets high-availability requirements
with redundant, hot-pluggable
components, automatic path
rerouting, and extensive diagnostics
• Employs Brocade Inter-Switch Link
(ISL) Trunking to create an 8 Gbit/sec
data path between switches for
higher performance
• Protects investments through
backward and forward compatibility
with Brocade SilkWorm Fibre
Channel switches