Brocade Communications Systems Brocate Ethernet Access Switch 6910 User Manual
Page 1032

Brocade 6910 Ethernet Access Switch Configuration Guide
Connectivity Fault Management
If a maintenance point receives a CCM with an invalid MEPID or MA level or an MA level lower
than its own, a failure is registered which indicates a configuration error or cross-connect error
(i.e., overlapping MAs).
The interval at which CCMs are issued should be configured to detect connectivity problems in
a timely manner, as dictated by the nature and size of the MA.
The maintenance of a MIP CCM database by a MIP presents some difficulty for bridges carrying
a large number of Service Instances, and for whose MEPs are issuing CCMs at a high
frequency. For this reason, slower CCM transmission rates may have to be used.
These parameters are displayed:
Creating a Maintenance Association
MD Index – Domain index. (Range: 1-65535)
MA Index – MA identifier. (Range: 1-2147483647)
MA Name – MA name. (Range: 1-43 alphanumeric characters, maximum length is 44 minus
the length of the domain name)
Each MA name must be unique within the CFM domain.
Primary VLAN – Service VLAN ID. (Range: 1-4093)
This is the VLAN through which all CFM functions are executed for this MA.
MIP Creation Type – Specifies the CFM protocol’s creation method for maintenance
intermediate points (MIPs) in this MA:
Default – MIPs can be created for this MA on any bridge port through which the MA’s VID
can pass.
Explicit – MIPs can be created for this MA only on bridge ports through which the MA’s VID
can pass, and only if a maintenance end point (MEP) is created at some lower MA Level.
None – No MIP can be created for this MA.
Configuring Detailed Settings for a Maintenance Association
MD Index – Domain index. (Range: 1-65535)
MA Index – MA identifier. (Range: 1-2147483647)
MA Name Format – Specifies the name format for the maintenance association as IEEE
802.1ag character based, or ITU-T SG13/SG15 Y.1731 defined ICC-based format.
Character String – IEEE 802.1ag defined character string format. This is an IETF RFC 2579
ICC Based – ITU-T SG13/SG15 Y.1731 defined ICC based format.
Interval Level – The delay between sending CCMs. The setting for this parameter is expressed
as levels 4 through 7, which in turn map to specific intervals of time. (Options: 4 - 1 second,
5 - 10 seconds, 6 - 1 minute, 7 - 10 minutes)
Connectivity Check – Enables transmission of CCMs. (Default: Disabled)
Cross Check – Enables cross-checking between a static list of MEPs assigned to other devices
within the same maintenance association and the MEPs learned through CCMs.