7 connection of sio connector of pio converter – IAI America ERC3 User Manual
Page 162
Chapter 3 Wiring
3.7 Wiring Method
3.7.7 Connection of SIO Connector of PIO Converter
SIO Connector of PIO Converter can be used not only for the connection of teaching tools
including Quick Teach, but also for serial communication with a host controller (PLC, touch
panel or PC). For the operation of those devices, refer to the instruction manual for each
[Refer to Instruction manuals related to this product, which are contained in the DVD.]
Connect the connector of a teaching tool in the way the insertion mark comes to the left side.
It is able to put in/take OFF the connector while ERC3 power of PIO Converter is ON.
Personal Computer
CB-PST-SIO050 (Optional casing for Quick Teach)
Quick Teach
Insert Mark
Caution: Removing the teaching pendant while the power is ON causes a transient
emergency stop. Thus, the actuator in operation will be stopped.
Do not disconnect the teaching pendant during the operation.