H3C Technologies H3C MSR 50 User Manual
Page 151

Figure 126 Displaying client statistics
Table 75 Field description
MAC address
MAC address of the client.
Service set ID (SSID).
QoS Mode
QoS mode, which can be:
WMM—Indicates that the client is a QoS client.
None—Indicates that the client is a non-QoS client.
Max SP length
Maximum service period.
AC Access
APSD attribute of an AC, which can be:
T—The AC is trigger-enabled.
D—The AC is delivery-enabled.
T | D—The AC is both trigger-enabled and delivery-enabled.
L—The AC is of legacy attributes.
Assoc State
APSD attribute of the four ACs when a client accesses the AP.
Uplink CAC packets
Number of uplink CAC packets.
Uplink CAC bytes
Number of uplink CAC bytes.
Downlink CAC packets
Number of downlink CAC packets.
Downlink CAC bytes
Number of downlink CAC bytes.
Downgrade packets
Number of downgraded packets.
Downgrade bytes
Number of downgraded bytes.
Discard packets
Number of dropped packets.
Discard bytes
Number of dropped bytes.