Set failedset – HP Array Controller HSG V8.7 Software User Manual
Page 389

CLI Commands
Changes the automatic replacement policy for the failedset.
Specifies the policy to be used by the controller when a disk drive is
physically replaced in the failedset.
Specify AUTOSPARE to instruct the controller to automatically move
devices physically replaced in the failedset into the spareset.
Specify NOAUTOSPARE to instruct the controller to leave devices
physically replaced in the failedset. The device, though replaced,
remains in the failedset until it is manually removed with the DELETE
FAILEDSET command.
In most circumstances, a disk physically replaced into the failedset is
functional and contains no metadata—that is, a new, initialized device.
If you specify the AUTOSPARE switch when a disk is physically
replaced in the failedset, the controller checks to see if any metadata is
present. If the controller detects metadata, the disk remains in the
failedset. If the controller does not detect metadata, the controller
automatically moves the disk from the failedset to the spareset. Now a
member of the spareset, the disk is available for any mirrorset or
RAIDset requiring a replacement member. If the automatic
initialization fails, the disk remains in the failedset.
Disks that you plan to use for AUTOSPARE must not have valid
metadata on them. If you suspect a disk does have metadata on it (it
was used in a stripeset or was initialized as NOTRANSPORTABLE)
you must use the following steps to make the disk available as a
spareset replacement disk: