Upgrading controller software, Installing a new program card, Upgrading controller software –2 – HP Array Controller HSG V8.7 Software User Manual
Page 248: Installing a new program card –2
HSG80 User’s Guide
Upgrading Controller Software
You can upgrade the controller’s software two ways:
Install a new program card that contains the new software.
Download a new software image, and use the menu-driven Code
Load/Code Patch (CLCP) utility to write it onto the existing
program card. You may also use this utility to install, delete, and list
patches to the controller software.
Installing a New Program Card
Use the following steps to install a program card that contains the new
software. If you’re only upgrading the software in a single-controller
configuration, disregard references to the “other controller” and read
the plural controllers as the singular controller.
To upgrade the software by installing a new program card:
1. From the host console, dismount the storage units in the subsystem.
2. Connect a PC or terminal to one of the controllers’ maintenance port.
3. Shut down the controllers. In single-controller configurations, shut
down “this controller.” In dual-redundant controller configurations, shut
down the “other controller” first, then shut down “this controller” with
the following commands:
When the controllers shut down, their reset buttons and their first three
LEDs are lit continuously. This may take several minutes, depending on
the amount of data that needs to be flushed from the cache modules.
Caution Do not change the subsystem’s configuration or replace any
of its modules until you’ve completed this procedure to upgrade the
controller software.
4. Remove the program card’s ESD cover on “this controller.”
5. Press and hold the reset button while ejecting the program card from
“this controller” by pressing the program card eject button (see Figure
1–3 on page 1-8).