HP Array Controller HSG V8.7 Software User Manual
Page 184

HSG80 User’s Guide
x = online. Host may access this unit through “other
= unknown availability
Spindle state of the device:
^ = disk spinning at correct speed; tape loaded
> = disk spinning up; tape loading
< = disk spinning down; tape unloading
v = disk not spinning; tape unloaded
= unknown spindle state
Write-protection state. For disk drives, a W in this
column indicates that the device is hardware write-
protected. This column is blank for units that comprise
other kinds of devices.
Caching state of the device:
a = read, write-back, and read-ahead caching enabled
b = read and write-back caching enabled
c = read and read-ahead caching enabled
p = read-ahead caching enabled
r = read caching only
= caching disabled
Average amount of data transferred to and from the unit
during the last update interval in 1000-byte increments.
Percentage of data transferred between the host and the
unit that were read from the unit.
Percentage of data transferred between the host and the
unit that were written to the unit.
Percentage of data transferred between the host and the
unit that were compared. A compare operation can
accompany a read or a write operation, so this column is
not the sum of columns Rd% and Wr%.
Table 4–8 Unit Status Columns (Continued)