HP Array Controller HSG V8.7 Software User Manual

Page 254

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HSG80 User’s Guide

3. Start CLCP with the following command:


CLCP displays the following:

Select an option from the following list:

Code Load & Patch local program Main Menu

0: Exit

1: Enter Code LOAD local program

2: Enter Code PATCH local program

3: Enter EMU Code LOAD utility

Enter option number (0..3) [0] ?

4. Enter option 2, Enter Code PATCH local program. CLCP displays the


You have selected the Code Patch local program. This program

is used to manage software code patches. Select an option

from the following list:

Type ^Y or ^C (then RETURN) at any time to abort Code Patch.

Code Patch Main Menu

0: Exit

1: Enter a Patch

2: Delete Patches

3: List Patches

Enter option number (0..3) [0] ?

5. Enter option 2, Delete Patches, to delete patches. CLCP displays the


This is the Delete Patches option. The program prompts you

for the software version and patch number you wish to delete.

If you select a patch for deletion that is required for

another patch, all dependent patches are also selected for

deletion. The program lists your deletion selections and asks

if you wish to continue.

Type ^Y or ^C (then RETURN) at any time to abort Code Patch.

The following patches are currently stored in the patch area:

Software Version - Patch number(s)

xxxx xxxx

Currently, xx% of the patch area is free.

Software Version of patch to delete ?