34 maximum-paths, 35 passive-interface default, 36 passive-interface – Fortinet 548B User Manual
Page 595
- 595 - maximum-paths
This command sets the number of paths that OSPF can report for a given destination where
maximum-paths <1-2>
no maximum-paths
<1-2> - The maximum number of paths that OSPF can report for a given destination. The range of
the value is 1 to 2.
no - This command resets the number of paths that OSPF can report for a given destination back to
its default value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPFv3 Config. passive-interface default
Use this command to enable global passive mode by default for all interfaces. It overrides any interface
level passive mode.OSPF shall not form adjacencies over a passive interface.
passive-interface default
no passive-interface default
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPFv3 Config. passive-interface
Use this command to set the interface or tunnel as passive. It overrides the global passive mode that is
currently effective on the interface or tunnel.
passive-interface {
no passive-interface {