Checking power levels – Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual
Page 94

Verex Director V4.9.1 User's Guide
21-0381E v4.9.1
System Power Status
The power status screen allows you to check
the status of various items pertaining to mains
input voltage, battery life remaining, etc.
Note: Some features are supported only by xL panels.
Unsupported items will be shown as zero (0).
Also See: Control & Status, Panel Control & Status,
System, Equipment
Checking the Status of Panels (Equipment)
Initiate a Connection, and Access
this Topic
See if you're already connected with the
panel(s) by checking the status bar at the
bottom of the monitoring window.
Multi-Account Systems: First select [Account
Folders] in the 'tree', and double-click the desired
If not presently connected, initiate a connection
with the desired panel(s).
For details, refer to "Connecting to the Associated
Panel(s), An Overview" (<<).
Then, select
Control & Status - Power
the MyTools bar, or select
"Control & Status: System" in the 'tree'.
Using the Tree: Click your site/account button in the
tree, and open Control & Status, Panel Control &
Status, and System (click the "+" beside each topic).
Login with your user ID and PIN if prompted for
Panel Groups and Panels: Open your specific panel
group and panel if these are listed in the 'tree'. Tip:
"Control & Status" (and configuration) topics can be set
to display either as a single list, or on a panel-by-panel
(To change the view: Right-click "Control & Status",
and select or deselect Logical Tree View). For more
information, refer to "Other Desktop Choices".
If the status screen is blank or inactive (or if you'd like
more information), refer to "Accessing the Control and
Status Topics for a Panel" (<<).
Working with This Screen
When the status screen appears, use scroll
bar at the bottom to view all items listed.
Form/Grid Views: This screen uses a custom grid view,
and the Form/Grid button will be disabled.
Multi-Panel Systems: Select the desired panel at the
bottom of the form (if not shown/selected in the 'tree').
Then, refer to the selection-descriptions for this
screen while viewing the available status
Tip: Be sure to dispatch someone to deal with any
conditions that require attention.
Checking Power Levels