Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual

Page 155

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21-0381E v4.9.1

Welcome Report Control


Sys Config



settings), 'cards locked-out', APB (if NOT set for strict
enforcement), readers in 'dual-custody' or 'escort'
mode (and allows the person to act as an escort).
Items NOT Overridden: 'Wrong area or floor',
card/PIN mode, 'strict APB', door 'interlock' issues,
and 'disarm' authorities.

- Escort: Whether or not users assigned to this

authority will be considered as "Escorts" (for use
with "Escort-Required Visitors" (to follow), and
the "Escort" reader mode for doors in the
selected areas).

Related Setting: "Reader Mode" in the door
configuration section.

- Visitor (Escort Required): With this selection,

the person is tracked as they 'badge' throughout
the facility, but access is not granted until a valid
escort's card is also presented.

To Block a Visitor from Using LCD Keypads: Locate
them in the 'Users' screen, and ensure their PIN is
Type of Cards that can Escort Visitors: This can be
changed as desired (the present setting is shown on-
screen in blue). Related Topics: Under "Account-
Wide Panel Settings", look for "Setup", then
"Escort-Required Mode".
Turnstile set for Antipassback: To allow the escort to
badge again to gain entry, the reader must be set for
'turnstile' operation. Related Setting: Under "Reader
1 & 2 Settings for a Door", look for


, then



Escort/Dual-Custody for Readers: Escort mode is
also supported for all cards at specific readers.
"Visitor" cards are denied access at readers set for
"Dual Custody". Related Topics: Look for "Reader
" in the reader configuration section for doors
and/or elevators (lifts).
Misc: The 'visitor' setting is not available for escorts
(and vice-versa). As well, do not select "Master
Override" (previous/above)--as this will override the
visitor/escort feature.

- Wandering Patient: Sets associated users to

be tracked as they approach exterior doors, or
other areas of concern.

With this type of 'user', the 'access token' will typically
be a wireless wristband (with appropriate detection in
door frames).
When the patient approaches, an alarm can be
triggered, and the door can optionally lock as they
approach. Related Topic: Under "Doors, Readers,
and Related Settings", look for


, then

Detect Wandering Patient


- Reset Door Alarm: Provides associated staff

members with the authority to cancel a
'Wandering Patient' alarm by presenting their

(applicable/compatible) token at the specific

- Panic Token: This designates associated user

'access tokens' as being a panic / duress
indication (instead of an access request).

In this case, the applicable 'access tokens' will
typically be separate wireless (RF) pushbuttons (with
appropriate detectors in the required areas). This is
typically used for areas such as parking garages.

- Group Number and Group Mode: Similar to

'Door Class'. Users can enter only at readers for
which their group number assigned here
supports the one set in each reader's

Equality: Associated users will be able to enter at
readers set to the same group number as assigned
Greater than or equal to: Users will be able to enter
if their group number assigned here is greater than
or equal to that as set at each specific reader.


Access Schedule

Note: Any three defined schedules can be assigned
throughout each authority (plus "Always" or "Never").
Per a Schedule or 'Always': The area's schedule must
also be in effect unless either "Emergency Off" authority
is also provided (previous), or the area is set to "Allow
Out of Schedule Opens". Never: Blocks the applicable
Tip: In the selections, "In Schedule" means during the
selected schedule, and "Out of Schedule" means after-
hours (i.e., outside of the selected schedule).
To define a schedule, refer to "Schedules for User
Access and Area Automation".

- Token Disarm - Level: Sets the arming-level

(Off or Stay) for an 'Auto-Disarm' when a user
associated with this authority gains entry to this
area. Choices also allow having this depend on
whether the event occurs during vs. outside of a
chosen schedule.

- Token Disarm - Areas: Pertaining to an 'Auto-

Disarm' (when a user associated with this
authority gains entry to this area), this sets
whether all areas in the authority will be
disarmed, or only the one being entered.
Choices also allow having this depend on
whether the event occurs during vs. outside of a
chosen schedule.

The auto-disarm feature will occur only for areas set to
"Auto Disarm On Valid Token" during certain times.
Details: Configuration, Areas, Scheduling.

Areas and Related Settings