Screen reference, Pick-lists (bottom of the form), Top of the form – Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual

Page 25: On this form (intervals

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21-0381E v4.9.1



Control Admin Sys

Config Tech-Ref


Screen Reference

Pick-Lists (bottom of the

- Attendance Period (bottom of form):

This is where you select an attendance
period to view or edit. This area
shows a reference number assigned
by the system, and the name of the
attendance period, once defined;

Top of the Form

- Name: A suitable name/description for

the attendance period, or its intended

On this Form (Intervals


- Days of the Week (with Associated Time-

Intervals): The days of the week showing the
time intervals for each day. (To add an
interval, right-click the specific day. To adjust
an interval, drag the interval and/or its end-
points to the desired position.)

Tips: You can copy and paste (or delete) time
intervals using the right-click menu. Up to 6 unique
time-intervals can be used as desired throughout the
weekdays in each attendance period.

Split Shift: Be sure to include an interval for after a
meal break—assuming the break is not part of the
'required attendance' times.

Work Shift that Spans Midnight: In this case, each day
will need two intervals for the times before and after
midnight, plus any other required intervals (such as for
after a meal break—assuming the break is not part of
the 'required attendance' times).

Reports Time and Attendance Attendance Period

(Multi-Account Systems: Account Selection 'Tree')
This area (near the centre of the screen) is where you select the

account that your attendance-period pertains to. Tip: This option
appears only if you didn't already have an account 'open' in the tree.