Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual

Page 110

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Verex Director V4.9.1 User's Guide

21-0381E v4.9.1

- Door
(bottom of form): This is where

you select a door to view its status or
issue commands. This shows a
reference number assigned by the
system, plus the name/description of
the door as defined under

If some Door numbers are missing:
Elevator and door numbering is shared (1 -
32), but the elevators will not be listed here.

- Door Command: Shows the status of

the selected door, and provides
selections for unlocking/relocking it (if
you have the authority).

If cards are presently 'locked-out', you'll
need to reinstate card-access before unlocking the
door. (Set the "Reader State" as "Normal".)
Tip: "Momentary" pertains to the defined "Unlock
Duration" (such as when a person uses their access
card), and "Pending" means the command will be held
until after one valid user gains entry at the door.

- Door Status, Door Alarm, and "Wandering

Patient": The present status of the door, and
whether or not this is considered to be an 'alarm'
(i.e., 'not OK'), plus whether or not the
"wandering Patient" feature is in effect for this

- Tamper: Whether or not tampering has been

detected for the RTE (REX) circuit, the main
reader, or the auxiliary reader.

- Reader 1 / Reader 2 In Area X: Status/control

topics for the selected reader and its associated
area, plus selections for controlling each reader
(if you have the authority). Selections include
lockout or reinstate card access, and/or change
various operating characteristics.

Reader Mode, 'Toggle Lock' and 'Toggle Lock
Authorized': Cards granted access at the reader will
cause the door to toggle between lockedunlocked.
'Authorized' means this will work only for users with
'Door Command' authority.
Note: Locking-out cards automatically causes the
door to lock.
For details on the various modes and commands:
 In the section on using maps and cameras, see:

"Controlling an Area or Device" (look for "Door

 In the configuration chapter, see: "Doors, Readers,

and Related Settings".

- Grant Last User: If the last user at this reader

was denied access, this selection will issue a

'Momentary Unlocking', and log that card/user
as being granted entry.

 Cards can be denied due to being expired, locked

out, wrong time, wrong door class, etc. -- as long as
they are defined in the system.

 This feature will be unavailable if someone else is

granted entry, or after 5 minutes from the time the
person was denied access (although they can
simply present their card/token again).

 This may be used in conjunction with an event-

triggered camera-view for the door (so a remote
attendant can see the person). Related Topics:
"Initial Set Up of: Views, Maps, Cameras" (step 3b).

 This can also be used in conjunction with the pop-

up "Photo-Verification" feature (if it is set to trigger
on 'Access Denied' events).

Related Topics:

"Visually Verifying Users (Photo-


 This cannot be used (or does not apply) with:

- Cards being enrolled or disabled at a reader set
to do this (although it will apply for cards denied
due to wrong area/time, etc.);
- Access being denied due to door interlock
violations or area/disarm authority issues.

Control & Status Panel Control & Status Doors