Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual
Page 300
Verex Director V4.9.1 User's Guide
21-0381E v4.9.1
Create “A2 Detect Within Each” and Delete “User 1”.
Add Community Group “Detect Within Each Accounts” to Account “A2 Detect Within Each”.
In Account “A1 Detect Across All” to “User 11” (not a shared User) add Card number “1”:
In Account “A2 Detect Across All” to “User 11” (not a shared User) add Card number “1” – THE
SYSTEM WON’T ALLOW because it detects that that card number is already in use within another
Account with the same Community (“A1 Detect Across All” Card number “1” is already assigned to
“User 11”):