Screen reference, Pick-list (bottom of the form), Top of the form – Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual

Page 140: Common permissions, Specific permissions for selected folder

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Verex Director V4.9.1 User's Guide

21-0381E v4.9.1

- Copy all Permissions: Copies into

memory the permission settings for all
account folders within a permission-

- Paste all Permissions: Applies

previously cut or copied permissions to
all folders within a permission-set.

- Add New all Permissions: Creates a

new (blank) permission-set. (Same as


, or selecting "New

Permissions" at the bottom of the

- Delete all Permissions: Deletes the

whole permission-set.

Tip: You will be prompted to confirm the

- Find and Find Next: Allows searching

for a permission-set by name (same as
the 'binocular' symbols at the bottom.

Screen Reference

Pick-List (bottom of the

- Operator Permissions: This is where

you select a permission-set to view or
edit. This area shows the name of
each permission-set, once defined;

Top of the Form

- Name: A suitable name/description for this

operator permission group (such as "Daily

Common Permissions

- These are permissions pertaining to the entire

system (such as editing operators, backing up
the database, etc.);

Multi-Account Systems: These selections are always
present—regardless of which account folders are
selected in the next tab.
Operator Permissions: This pertains to working with
operator permissions and scheduled event filters (both
under "Operator" in the tree).
Shared Account Permissions: These pertain to users
and/or holidays to be shared across multiple accounts.
Related Topic: Users and Holidays Shared Across
Multiple Accounts

Specific Permissions for

Selected Folder

Settings on this tab pertain to the specific account folder
Tip: Use your mouse to 'scroll' through the settings.
(Multi-Account Systems) Account Folder Selection
: For a multi-account system, the left side of this
form allows selecting a folder (parent or individual) to be
associated with permissions that you select thereafter.
If nested account folders have been set up, subfolders
start out with the same permissions as the 'parent'
folder, and can be changed manually, as desired (a

green square

indicates changes have been made).

Inherited settings for subfolders (NO green square) will
be changed automatically by changing settings for the
parent folder.
Pale/Faded-Looking Folder: This means no
permissions are selected.


Permission Type (Sample Templates)

- Name: This provides sample permission

'templates' as a starting point for common types
of operators.

Tip: Make your selection here first. Then use your

Management Operator Operator Permissions

Magnifying Glass: Permission to view the item.
Edit Only (question mark with pencil): Permission to make a
draft/pending edit that will not take effect until approved by another
operator with “Approve and Save” permission.
Approve and Save (): Permission to approve and save changes
made by someone with “Edit Only” permission.
Pencil: Permission to view and add/delete/edit the item.