Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual
Page 373

21-0381E v4.9.1
Welcome Report Control Admin Sys
Config Tech-Ref
Changing settings for ...... 141, 146, 154, 256, 296
An account folder (renaming) ...................... 197
Areas .......................................................... 245
Authorities for users/entrants ...................... 154
Cardholders/entrants .................................. 163
Custom input point types............................. 291
Daylight-savings date .................................. 149
Doors .......................................................... 266
Editing a panel communications session .... 123
Elevators (lifts) and associated readers ...... 276
Equipment (pseudo-points) ......................... 243
Expansion modules ..................................... 256
Global access-control settings .................... 240
Holidays ...................................................... 149
Input-points / sensors .................................. 284
Login password ........................................... 138
Monitoring paging & remote management .. 236
Operator password for logging in ................ 138
Operator permission assignment ................ 136
Operator permissions .................................. 141
Operators .................................................... 136
Paging feature ............................................. 296
Programmable output points ....................... 296
Required-attendance periods ........................ 17
Schedules ................................................... 146
Standard-time date ..................................... 149
System settings for each main panel .......... 232
Updating panels .......................................... 121
Users .......................................................... 163
Users who can enter during comms-failure . 175
Changing the look of your desktop .................... 10
Changing the VEREX Director-server PC ....... 327
Check Database for Conflicts .......................... 179
Checking Camera/PTZ Connection Status ....... 67
Checking or Synchronizing the panel Date &
Time .............................................................. 85
Checking Panel Status (Monitored Conditions) . 92
Checking status for the system or various items
...................................................................... 80
Checking Status or Controlling a Suite Security
System .......................................................... 99
Checking Status or Controlling Elevators ........ 112
Checking Status or Controlling Floors ............. 115
Checking Status or Controlling Outputs
(Electronically switched Devices) ................ 119
Checking the Status of Modules ....................... 96
Checking the Status of Panels (Equipment)...... 92
Checking to see if client PCs are logged in ..... 181
Checking User In/Out Status ........................... 108
Checking/Repairing database tables .............. 182
Checkpoints ...................................................... 54
Setting up guard-tours .................................. 54
Class map (for readers) ...................................271
Clear imported archive-data ............................191
Clearing a Bad Card/PIN Global Lockout ......... 89
Client PCs .......................................................337
Checking to see who is logged in ................181
Client/server startup issues .........................337
Client Permissions...........................................343
client/server ............................................. 339, 340
validation certificate ............................. 339, 340
Client/server ....................................................335
Remote Software Download and Remote
Access .....................................................335
Client/Server Access and Permissions ............339
Client/server operation (DCOM set up) ...........329
Client/server startup issues .............................337
Clock (setting a panel to match the computer) . 85
Close / Up button on the toolbar ......................197
Command Points .............................................287
1 Define custom point type .........................291
2 Command selections ...............................287
Comments for alarm messages ....................... 45
Commissioning ................................................345
Try the configuration wizard ........................345
Auto-connect to panel (see note under 2nd
screen) ....................................................123
Auto-login to Control & Status .....................136
Host connection settings .............................237
Panel communications log report ................. 32
Panel groups and connection settings .........228
PC and Panels—Modem Connections ........352
Serial Port / Modem Setup (Communications
Manager) .................................................354
Communications client ....................................354
Communications failure ...................................175
Users who can enter during ........................175
Communications log (purging) ........................193
Communications Manager ..............................354
Communications software ...............................354
Communications via the Internet .....................349
Communities (under Community Groups) .......206
Community Groups
1A - Misc. Account Settings ........................203
1B - Ensure Authorities Have Been Set up for
Each Account ..........................................203
1C - Ensure Authorities Have Been Set up for
Each Account ..........................................205
2A - Set Up Communities ............................206
2B - Reserve User ID#s (Shared User-Groups)
2C - Reserve Holiday ID#s (Shared Holiday
Groups) ...................................................208