Grid view – Interlogix VEREX Director User Manual
Page 146
Verex Director V4.9.1 User's Guide
21-0381E v4.9.1
Grid View
- Schedule: A reference number
assigned by the system;
- Name: A suitable name/description for
the schedule, or its intended use;
- Interval: A reference number for the
unique time interval (1-6);
- Start and Stop: The time that the
specific time-interval begins or ends
(the interval is 'active' between these
times). Times are entered as
2350 (the colon and leading zeros are
inserted automatically for your convenience);
Split Shift: Be sure to include an interval for after a
meal break—assuming the break is not part of the
'required attendance' times.
Work Shift that Spans Midnight: It's simplest to use
grid view, entering the start and stop times in the order
they occur (e.g., Start time: 23:00, Stop time: 07:00),
and select the weekdays pertaining to the start time.
- Start of Holiday: This allows selecting
whether holiday operation will begin at
midnight, or not until this schedule expires
(i.e., for time-intervals that span midnight).
- Days of the Week: The weekdays during
which the time interval will take effect. (Use
to toggle;
to select next.)
- Holiday 1/2/3 Schedule: How the schedule will
treat each type of holiday (No access / as
regular weekday / 24 hr access, or as per the
times in another schedule).
Tip: Pause the mouse cursor over a Schedule in the
list to view the associated times.
For details on setting up holidays, refer to "Holidays
and Time-Change Dates).
Note: For schedules assigned only within other
schedules (for use on holidays), the times set for the
applicable weekday will be used (nested holiday-
schedule settings will be ignored).
Schedules (Grid View)