Metrohm tiamo 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 559

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Permissions for Audit Trail

Delete records

[ off ], on

If this option is switched on then users in this user group can confirm the

deletion of audit trail entries with their signature.

In the


group all signature rights are switched on as standard, but

they can also be switched off.


If in the left-hand part of the dialog window

User administration

the item



marked for a user group then options for this group will be shown in the right-hand

part and can be altered there.

Default workplace view

Selection of the defined workplace views

Selection of the View that will open in the program part Workplace as
standard when the user logs in.

Default database view

Selection of the defined database views

Selection of the View that will open in the program part Database as stan-
dard when the user logs in.

Default configuration view

Selection of the defined configuration views

Selection of the View that will open in the program part Configuration as
standard when the user logs in.

Default method group

Selection of the method group to be opened as standard for opening and
saving methods.

Add user group

In order to add a new user group with standard settings an existing group must be
selected and either the context-sensitive menu item

Add group

then opened or the


pressed. This opens the dialog window

Add group
