Metrohm tiamo 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 123

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Sample tables


Barcode reader

Device name

Selection of the barcode reader from which data is to be imported.

Always accept data

[ on ], off

If this option is selected then the data transmitted from the barcode reader
will be imported into the opened sample table for which this barcode reader
has been defined as the data source.

Accept data only for active window

on, [ off ]

If this option is selected then the data transmitted from the barcode reader

will only be imported into the opened sample table when this has the focus.

Import from file

on, [ off ]

If this option is selected then external data will be imported from a file (e.g.
via LIMS) into a sample table. A check will be made that the given import
file exists when opening the sample table, when loading the sample table

into the working sample table as well as at regular intervals (every 10 s)
when the sample table is open (but not when the dialog window

Edit line


open). If the import file is present then the data from this file will be inserted
automatically at the end of the sample table. The import file is deleted after
each import.

Irrespective of the number of data fields defined on the tab


, all sample

data in the format

Method name;Sample positi-

on;ID1;ID2;ID3;ID4;ID5;ID6;ID7;ID8;Sample size;Sample size unit

have to be de-

fined in the import file for each line.

Import file

File name

Entry or selection the file from which the import is to take place.

Import format

[ *.csv ]

Selection of the import format for the import of data from a file (only




Entry of a comment about the sample table.