Metrohm tiamo 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 304

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Select track

A track is being selected with a left mouse-click onto the start command of the
track. All commands of the track are selected, indicated by a black border.

Nicht ausgewählte Spur

Ausgewählte Spur

Move track

Move track with Drag&Drop

To move a track with Drag&Drop it has to be selected first. It can then be moved

to the desired position with pressed-down left mouse button. A red vertical arrow
indicates the possible positions.

Move track via the clipboard

To move a track via the clipboard it has to be cut first. It can then be inserted to
the right of the selected track.

Copy track

Copy track with Drag&Drop

To copy a track with Drag&Drop it has to be selected first. It can can be copied to
the desired position with simultaneously pressed-down left mouse button and
[Ctr] key. A red vertical arrow indicates the possible positions.

Copy track to the clipboard

The selected track is copied to the clipboard with

Edit, Copy

, the context-sensitive

menu item


or with the icon


Cut track

The selected track is moved to the clipboard with

Edit, Cut

, the context-sensitive

menu item


or with the icon


Insert track

The track having copied to the clipboard is inserted to the right of the selected
track with

Edit, Paste

, the context-sensitive menu item


or with the icon
