Metrohm tiamo 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 306

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Select commands

A command is being selected with a left mouse-click. The selected command is
marked with a black border. Further commands within the same track can be se-
lected by pressing-down the [Ctrl] key while clicking on the desired command.

Not selected command

Selected command

Move commands

Move commands with Drag&Drop

To move commands with Drag&Drop they have to be selected first. They can then
be moved to the desired position between two commands with pressed-down left
mouse button. A red arrow indicates the possible positions.

Move commands via the clipboard

To move commands via the clipboard they have to be cut first. They can then be
inserted in front of the selected command in an existing track.

Copy commands

Copy commands with Drag&Drop

To copy commands with Drag&Drop they have to be selected first. They can then
be copied to the desired position with simultaneously pressed-down left mouse
button and [Ctrl] key. A red horizontal arrow indicates the possible positions.

Copy commands to the clipboard

The selected commands are copied to the clipboard with

Edit, Copy

, the context-

sensitive menu item


or with the icon


Cut commands

The selected commands are moved to the clipboard with

Edit, Cut

, the context-

sensitive menu item


or with the icon


Insert commands

The commands having copied to the clipboard are inserted in front of the selected
command with

Edit, Paste

, the context-sensitive menu item


or with the icon
