Metrohm tiamo 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 151

background image

Subwindow Run


Import data...

Opens the window

Select files to import

for the import of external data.


Reset all precessed sample data lines to the status "not processed".

Move lines by drag & drop

The lines selected in the working sample table can be moved by drag&drop
into an opened sample table.

Copy lines by drag & drop

The lines selected in the working sample table can be copied with the Ctrl

key pressed down by drag&drop into an opened sample table.

Edit sample data

With the menu item

Edit, Edit line

on the tab

Determination series

the dialog window

Edit line


The fields in this dialog window have the same color as the lines in the working
sample table:

Light gray background

Processed lines. Data in these lines can no longer be altered.

Orange background

Currently running line. If sample data is only altered after the start of the de-
termination (in the status


) then this is regarded as being a live modifi-


White background

Lines that have not yet been processed. These lines can be edited.

In these fields of this dialog window generally no formula can be entered.


50 characters, method selection

Entry or selection of the method from the current method group with which

the determination is to be carried out.

Open the window Open method for the extended method selection, if sev-

eral method groups exist. If in this window a method from a different group
to the current method group is selected then from now on this group will be
the current method group for the quick selection of methods in the



Sample position

[ 1 ] ... 999

Position of the sample on the rack. This number is used to move to the
sample position with the command


. For this



sample position

must be set.